You can find on this page the Belgium wine map to print and to download in PDF. The Belgium wine regions map presents the vineyards and wine growing areas of Belgium in Western Europe.

Belgium wine map

Maps of Belgium vineyards

The Belgium wine map shows all wine growing areas of Belgium. This wine regions map of Belgium will allow you to easily localize all appellations and main grape varieties in Belgium in Western Europe. The Belgium vineyards map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The first Belgian vineyards were cultivated in abbeys, so that the monks had something to drink at their many celebrations. Unfortunately for wine lovers, beer became more and more popular in Belgium and eventually surpassed wine as the most common tipple. Belgium is famous for its great beers, but it also produces some fantastic, award-winning wines, and it is particularly famed from its white and sparkling varieties. The two main wine regions in Belgium are Flanders and Wallonia as you can see in Belgium wine map. Wine produced in Flanders is called Vlaamse landwijn, while the Wallonian wine is known as Vin de pays des Jardins de Wallonie. Only a small amount of wine is produced in Belgium and very little is exported, so a tour around the vineyards is really the only way to sample this country superb produce.

Viticulture in Belgium has a long tradition despite its low economic importance. In the 9th century, under Emperor Charlemagne (742-814), wine was cultivated by monks in southern Belgium. There were vineyards along the Meuse (which was also an important transport route) around Antwerp, Brabant, Hainaut, Liège and Naumur. Even in the early Middle Ages, wines from Flanders (today the two provinces of East and West Flanders, the remaining part is in France) were highly valued and the centre of the northern European wine trade. In the 15th century, due to climatic changes related to the Little Ice Age and competition from Burgundy, viticulture was abandoned. In the 1970s, vineyards were planted again for the first time. Belgian wine law closely follows that of neighbouring France. There are some AOC quality wine areas (Kwaliteitswijn) and country wine areas (Landwijn) as its shown in Belgium wine map.

In the Flanders region, these are Hagelland, Haspengouw, Heuveland and Maasvallei Limburg (together with the Netherlands) as its mentioned in Belgium wine map. In the Walloon region, these are Côtes de Sambre et Meuse, and the two sparkling wines Crémant de Wallonie and Vin mousseux de qualité de Wallonie. The country wines Vin de pays des jardins de Wallonie (Wallonia) and Vin de Pays Flamand (Flanders) can each be produced in the entire region. Certain grape varieties are permitted for each AOC. These are the white wine varieties Auxerrois, Bacchus, Chardonnay, Kerner, Müller-Thurgau, Optima, Ortega, Pinot Gris, Riesling, Schönburger, Siegerrebe and Würzer as well as the red wine varieties Domina, Dornfelder, Gamay, Lemberger (Blaufränkisch) and Pinot Noir. The wine production volume is around 7,000 hectolitres. The largest wine-growing company is Wijnkasteel Genoels-Elderen. However, Belgian wine demand is mainly covered by imports from France.